This place is part of the Deplastificat Bucuresti movement. Together we can reduce plastic pollution - come to our place with your refillable bottle and we will offer you free filtered water! This initiative is a collaboration between Zece La Rece, Deplastificat and Micile Bucurii. More info on Deplastificat: https://deplastificat.ro/ More info on Micile Bucurii: https://micilebucurii.ro/
Have you ever been to California ? Well, Anagram brewery allows you to discover a glimpse of what California is all about, while staying in Bucharest. As it is mentioned on that jacket, the U.S. and most precisely California is where Paul comes from. But wait! Who is Paul? Paul is Anagram's co-founder and head brewer. He grew up in California but spent probably half of his life in Bucharest. However, his brewery, Anagram, even if being a Romanian craft brewery, has definitely some influence from his homeland. If you take a look at the different craft beers Anagram launched since its creation, they will all give you that feeling of being on a San Diego beach, or anywhere else on the Californian coast. Their pink-ish labels might bring some memories of a beautiful sunset over the Pacific ocean. Finally, if you make it to the brewery -when it is open-, you'll find out it is located straight (or almost straight) on Lacul Morii, which also has a strong potential for wonderful sunsets. Just imagine a basketball playground and it would feel extactly like you were in the US. Oh, wait, there is a basketball playground in front of the brewery. Follow Anagram on social media to keep track on the events they might throw. It's definitely worth the visit.
Strada Mehadia 43, București 060543, Romania