Restaurant Ici Et La

How to tell if a French restaurant is really a good and true French restaurant. Simple answer: you have to see french nationals dining there. Ici et Là passes that crucial test, with the honors from the jury, as each time I could find at least one table singing the sweet melody of French to my... well french ears. Ici et La exists since many years, but since they relocated on Strada Domnita Ruxandra, I have to admit that the experience is even better than what it used to be. Located in a beautifully renovated house, surrounded by a welcoming a terrace, I suggest you try their tartare beef if you are into raw meat. No worries, if it is not your cup of tea, there are other options which will satisfy your palate for sure. And not to forget a must for any french restaurant: a great wine list. And a bonus: some craft beer from One Beer Later, brewed by another French man in Buzau. Bon appétit !
Strada Domnița Ruxandra n°7, București 020562, Romania