Out Of Office Coffee Shop

This place is part of the Deplastificat Bucuresti movement. Together we can reduce plastic pollution - come to our place with your refillable bottle and we will offer you free filtered water! This initiative is a collaboration between Zece La Rece, Deplastificat and Micile Bucurii. More info on Deplastificat: https://deplastificat.ro/ More info on Micile Bucurii: https://micilebucurii.ro/
Out of Office may be one of your favorite coffee spots if you end up in the Pipera area. Office workers queue to get their delicious cup of coffee to go in the morning, but there a large terrace that can also be enjoyed for a post-lunch break or in any sunny days! Plus, Emil will always be kind and make you feel good!
Bulevardul Dimitrie Pompeiu 5-7, București 077190, Romania